Sunday, January 30, 2011

Teen Missions International


Teen Missions International Scotland Work Team 8302
I had the privilege of being part of a very special team that went to Scotland with Teen Missions International in 1983.  Before the summer even began and before we knew one another, we were called to pray for one another.  Teen Missions provided prayer cards that were handed out to many prayer warriors. 
Me, upper right corner
I had a wonderful summer of growth in my spiritual life as well as having made life long friends.  I am honored by these special people and love that many of us are still in contact today and are still prayer warriors for one another.  God designed us to LOVE Him and I am thrilled to be able to do so alongside some pretty amazing people.  I am a Dorch!

Siesta Scripture Memory Team

Part of me being intentional this year includes memorizing scripture.  Beth Moore has a blog on Living Proof Ministries that tells you how to do this and how to be a Siesta.  At the bottom of my blog I have written out all of my verses that I will be memorizing as part of this team.  I am excited to SEE what God has planned for me as I grow closer to Him through His word.


I often look around me in awe at all that God has blessed me with,  The birds singing outside while I am having my quiet time on the back porch, the squirrels chucking nuts and branches at me for disturbing their peace.  These things make me smile.  Waking up in the morning knowing that I have a cup of coffee waiting for me,  mmmmm....My family who gives one another hugs and kisses and Mwagh-Ugh! before saying goodbye until we see one another again.  Prayer time with the kids where we come together before the thone lifting our lives and days to Him.  Seeking His will in all we do.    A great day to be thankful..  Aren't you?


My family and I LOVE snow.  Maybe not for all of the same reasons.  I love that I can have everyone at home, together.  Big crackling fire in the hearth,

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I found myself today needing to work on something that was going to take away quite a bit of time and I really did not feel like I could give it the focus that it needed.  So instead, I did the next best thing of stuff that needed to be done, and an activity that is totally mindless.  Thank you God for Ironing.  Sound silly huh?  Yet, it brings me comfort in knowing that I am completing things form the list that will help the week.  I like seeing smooth lines down the clothes,  I enjoy the smells. Thank you God for the little things like enjoying Ironing,

Friday, January 28, 2011


I have had to sit in many different waiting rooms at doctor's offices lately and kept thinking to myself, if only walls could talk, what would they say? Would they talk about about the people who come in one person and walk out changed, or about the faceless people in the other room who are determining what your immediate future holds. Would they tell you if an actual doctor going to come in or is in the building? Or that the paper thin gowns won't actually tear? Would they talk about the countless prayers said, possibly for the first time or the pleading cry's of if only's. Would they speak of scriptures or songs sung? Would they talk about the girl with her boyfriend in the room next door who was told she was pregnant, or the woman who was told she has cancer? I couldn't help but think these thoughts and many, many more as I sat and listened to conversations through paper thin walls, and gave many thanks that I have a hope and a future and know that no matter what walks through the door or the words said that I am okay. I know my Redeemer and am blessed and loved. That I live in His grace.

Isaiah 40:31
"But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength;  they will soar on wings like eagles;  they will run and not grow weary;  they will walk and not faint."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


School was dismissed early today because of a huge sleet and snowstorm coming into town and I had a couple of errands to run before it hit.  One of my errands included going to the grocery store with what seemed like every other person in town.  After quickly filling my cart, I took my place in line (10 people back- next to the dog food ) and waited my turn.  It was a long wait (my ice cream melted), but everyone around me was in a good mood.  When I finally reached the register and started placing my groceries on the conveyer belt, the elderly gentleman behind me leaned forward to tell me that he thought some of my groceries were leaking.  Startled, I looked back down the aisle behind me and sure enough, underneath my cart was a growing puddle of milk.  After reaching under my cart and pulling out the three gallons of milk and determining which milk was leaking, this kind stranger took my milk, told me to continue unloading and that he would go exchange my milk for me.  I was flabbergasted and so very touched.  This is something that I would do, but was floored by the kindness of a stranger.  It was one of those moments when all I could say was Thank You, and yet it did not seem enough.  I loved that God was able to bless me this way today and am so grateful for this man.  May God BLESS him and allow me the opportunity to bless someone else in the same way.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I have never written or created a blog before, so this will be a work in progress.  It is perfect for me actually, as I am a continual work in progress!
This year I am trying to be intentional in ALL that I do and it is not as easy as it sounds.  Last year I read a beautiful book from Beth Moore that talked about having Purity of thought, Purity of Words and Purity of Deed.  A verse to go along with Purity of thought is found in Psalm 139:23-24  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way."  I learned this verse as a youth and often sang it, but never quite grasped the meaning as I do now.  Now when I sing those words, they are a prayer of petition from a longing heart.  A verse to go along with Purity of Word is found in Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."  Growing up I used to take pride in speaking my mind, or feeling that it was my right to say whatever I thought.  Oh, how times have changed!  I am now a person who really guards my words, but I still really need to guard my heart so that when I do get worked up enough to spew out, my words would be words that would be pleasing and acceptable to the Lord.  Find me faithful Jesus.  Thank you for your forgiveness for the countless times I fail.  A verse to go along with Purity of deed is from Psalm 15:1-2.  "Lord, who may dwell in Your sanctuary?  Who may live on Your holy hill?  He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart."  God is working on my character and I will continue to sing His praises.  My hope and my treasure is found in Jesus.  My heart longs to have my life be an outflowing of the character and nature of God. 
Precious Jesus, please be with me as I am intentional in my walk and relationship with You.  Thank you for loving me and calling me to You.  In Your precious name I pray.