Thursday, March 24, 2011



On March 23, 2011 our family dog, Sami passed away.  She had been very sick, throwing up and not able to keep anything down.  At the end I was having to feed her Ensure through a turkey baster and medicine dropper.  I believe that smell will be engraved on my mind forever.  On the morning of March 23, our veterinarian ended up doing surgery and found out that Sami had a tear all the way from her large intestine to her pancreas.  The tear looked like it was caused by rawhide bones and something fibrous. We were asked if we gave her rawhide bones.  Sami was happiest chewing.  She often had 2-3 rawhide bones a week.  These are bones that are sold at all grocery stores and are in entire aisles at Pet stores.  To say I was distraught at the thought of my having something to do with her dying, even inadvertently just does not say enough about the emotions from my heart.  Our kind, loving vet held our dog who did not make it through the surgery and asked if we wanted her to be buried in our backyard, or cremated and her ashes put in the apple orchard.  So now, my precious Sami's ashes lie in someone's orchard.  Our family is devasted.  Roxy is DESTROYED.  Her best friend who shared her crate, spooned each other out on the big deck and back yard, boxed with, shared food with, cleaned and took care of one another is all of a sudden gone.  My entire family is having a hard time dealing with the loss of our precious Sami, and to watch our Roxy grieve is heart wrenching. 

Roxy taking care of Sami

Having fun before trying to take photo with Roxy and Sami

Cameron, Ryan, Roxy, Sami and Tyler
Today, March 23, 2011 my oldest son, Tyler turned 15.  Oh, Lord how this momma's heart feels torn in two at the thought of not only losing Sami, but also on my beloved's birthday.  My mind will not get past the fact that he will always, we will always remember this loss on a day that has always been such JOY and CELEBRATION.  As we celebrate Tyler and what a Blessing he is to each family member and a true gift from God, Lord, we ask for Your grace and mercy tonight and the days ahead.  We need you.  In Your Mighty Name I pray, Amen.

Best Friends:   Roxy and Sami

Roxy can't get close enough to Sami

I need to scooch up a bit closer

Sami got cold and needed to cuddle with her blanket

Roxy needed to cuddle Sami also